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Zhu Danxi
Autor: admin
Zugriffe: 3980
Bewertung: 5,00 (1 Bewertung)
Kommentare: 0
Zhu Danxi, also known as Zhu Zhenheng; 1280-1358 A.D. - Zhu believed that people suffered from chronic disease mainly due to overindulgence in pleasurable things and activities, resulting in debility of the yin essence. He therefore recommended temperence and use of tonic formulas, especially those that nourished the kidney and liver.
Zhang Zihe
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Zugriffe: 3479
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Zhang is known as the developer of the 'attacking school' of Chinese medicine, emphasizing the use of diaphoretics, emetics, and purgatives to attack the pathogen and drive it out of the body. This was actually a revival of the early Han Dynasty technqiues that were based on driving out demons.
Zhang Zhongjing
Autor: admin
Zugriffe: 3944
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Kommentare: 0
Zhang Zhongjing is the most famous of China's ancient herbal doctors. He is known for his book, which was later divided into two parts: Shang Han Lun and Chin Kuei Yao Lueh [Jin Gui Yao Lue]. In particular, the section known as the Shang Han Lun became the fundamental text for all traditional herb prescribing. Not only did it contain over 100 effective formulas (many of them still used today), but the text implied a theoretical framework that led to hundreds of books analyzing, explaining, and reforming it. The other section is best known for some of the formulas, such as the gynecological remedy Tang-kuei and Peony Formula [Danggui Shaoyao San] which is today applied to infertility, disorders during pregnancy, prevention of miscarriage, and post-partum weakness. His work might have been lost had it not been for the efforts of Wang Shu-Ho .
Zhang Jingyue
Autor: admin
Zugriffe: 3634
Bewertung: Keine
Kommentare: 0
Zhang Jingyue; 1583-1640 A.D. - Zhang was a prolific writer and produced works on pulse diagnosis, gynecology, pediatrics, surgery, and an analysis of the Huangdi Neijing, called the Lei Jing, which won him great fame.
Ye Tianshi
Autor: admin
Zugriffe: 6955
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Ye Tianshi; ca 1690-1760 A.D. - Ye is famous for his thesis on febrile diseases, in which he postulated transmission of the disease through four stages: wei, qi, ying, and blood. His book Wenre Lun (Treatise on Epidemic Fevers) published in 1746, was followed up by an even more famous book Wenbing Tiaobian (Detailed Analysis of Febrile Diseases) in 1798, using this four stage system as its basis.
Wu Youxing
Autor: admin
Zugriffe: 3256
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Wu Youxing; 1582-1652 A.D. -- Wu developed the concept that some diseases were caused by transmissable agents, which he called liqi (pestilential factors). His book Wenyi Lun (Treatise on Acute Epidemic Febrile Diseases) can be regarded as the main etiological work that brought forward the concept, ultimately attributed to Westerners, of germs as a cause of epidemic diseases.
Wu Shangxian
Autor: admin
Zugriffe: 3174
Bewertung: Keine
Kommentare: 1
Wu Shangxian 1806-1886 A.D. - Wu specialized in the development of low cost treatments so that poor people could get medical care at a time when medical costs were rising rapidly. The focus of his efforts were on inexpensive topical therapies, including ointments, plasters, and moxibustion
Wang Tao
Autor: admin
Zugriffe: 3455
Bewertung: Keine
Kommentare: 0
Wang Tao; ca 702-772 A.D. - He is famous for writing the book Waitai Miyao (Medical Secrets of an Official), published in 752 A.D. He provided a comprehensive description of medical problems, covering more than 1,000 categories, and discussed over 6,000 herbal prescriptions.
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Gesamtanzahl Bilder in allen Kategorien: 341
Zugriffe auf alle Bilder bislang: 900310